Age Specific Training

Dear Potential Student,

Our school is on yet another revolution! We are rolling out a new age-appropriate class schedule. These classes will help us target each student’s stages of development even more than before! Through scientific research and psychological developments, our new age-specific classes will provide MAXIMUM results in the classroom.

Why do we say that our new age-specific classes can generate maximum results?

An international study was done to understand the growth and development stages of children between the ages of 3 to 14. Children were evaluated on the physical, intellectual, social, and emotional stages. From those results, a comprehensive format for martial arts education was created for 3 & 5-year olds, 6-8 Years old,  9-12 Years Old , 13+year olds (Teens & Adult Class)

What does this mean for your child (or You)

This means that our classes will target the students’ stages of development to the point where each class will not be too challenging or too easy - each class should be just right! Our goal is to have each student leaving class feeling stronger and more confident in every class!

Our Kids Programs / Age Specific Classes:

For Younger than 6 Years old (see our pre-school program)

Best Regards,


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