Ages 13+

Dear Potential Student,

We know with other schools you are mixed in with little kids and sometimes that can be very distracting, especially when you feel like you are "too big" for this class.

So at Sidekicks we have a 13 & up Class which is perfect to target your specific skills. While we challenge the teenagers pretty good and we do modify for older adults that may have previous injuries or concerns (like knee or back issues) YOU CAN STILL DO IT. There are ways to modify and still learn and train at your full potential.    Sometimes Adults don't like doing class with a bunch of kids around, so this class is perfect you.  If you are an adult that would like to do Taekwondo with kids, then we do offer a family class on TBA Saturdays where kids & adults train together in a fun team work class!

Best Regards,

-Master Jason Moe


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